Our Seat Color Spray comes in 25 colors.
We also have Touch Up Sprays
for metal surfaces of the bus.
There are 6 colors available for interior walls,
5 exterior colors in School Bus Yellow,
and also the black for the trim.
Paint can be ordered in any quantity.
A full case of paint contains 12 cans.

Liquid Vinyl is used to make repairs with a heat gun and generally makes the repair stronger than the original seat cover.
This product dries clear and can be used on any color of vinyl.
Once the repair is made just spray the matching seat color over the repair!
We offer five sizes of Liquid Vinyl:
4 oz, 8 oz, 16 oz, 32 oz, and 5 gallons
New to our business is our Tinted Liquid Vinyl; this product makes repairs possible using little to no Vinyl Seat Paint.
We currently have Blue Bird/Thomas/International Blue and Blue Bird/Thomas/International Gray available.

The Worldwide Vinyl Repair Kit comes with everything needed to make seat repairs. Included is an 8 oz jar of liquid vinyl, 3 cans of seat color (your color choices), 2 grain patterns (your choice), heat gun, scissors, applicator knife, 12"x30" Ultra Mesh and SDS sheets all inside a toolbox for your convenience.

We also carry Vinyl Weld (vinyl glue),
6 colors of Seat Tape, Fiberglass Ultra Mesh,
Graffiti Remover, toolboxes, applicator knives,
scissors, and 5 different Grain Patterns to add the original seat texture into your repairs.